Perioperative Paracetamol Waste Audit

Perioperative Paracetamol Waste Audit


A collaboration with WEAN (Welsh Anaesthetic Environmental Network) and
TRA2SH (Trainee-Led Research and Audit in Anaesthesia for Sustainability in

Get involved with our latest audit project looking at waste that could be avoided by
administering pre-operative oral Paracetamol instead of intraoperative IV
paracetamol, including packaging waste, giving set and extra cost.

We are hoping to collaborate to collect more data and make a case that small
change can potentially prevent a significant amount of waste and save money.

Key Dates: Recruitment finished

How to get involved: Website


NIAA Trainee Representatives x 2

Applications are invited for the role of Trainee Representative (x2) on to the Research Council of the NIAA. Trainees who hold a National Training Number in Anaesthesia, and are either Academic Clinical Fellows, Academic Clinical Lecturers or are undertaking/have completed an MD(Res) or PhD are encouraged to apply.

Please see the link if you want more information:

RAFT 4 update

RAFT are looking for their 4th national project – around the theme ‘Perioperative Care’

For more information about the submission process check out their website:

Perioperative Paracetamol Waste Audit – Update

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project.

Data collection is almost complete – just waiting on a couple of sites. We have nearly 1000 bits of data from Wales so far.

There is a piece of work ongoing in Australia (via TRA2SH) with the data collected from Australia to publish a life cycle analysis of IV vs PO paracetamol.

There is also a survey circulating about attitudes to IV vs oral paracetamol being circulated via WEAN. You can find it here to complete:

Once the survey is complete, we will be looking to create a pan Wales protocol which can then be adjusted for local implementation.

Perioperative Paracetamol Waste Audit

In association with WEAN (Welsh Environmental Anaesthetic Network) and TRAS2H, we are performing an audit of perioperative paracetamol usage across all sites in Wales.  This will provide the baseline data prior to implementation of a new SOP across Wales.  We will then look to reaudit practice at a later date.

Check out our current projects for more information about how to get involved